Sleeping Tablets UK

sleeping tablets uk

Sleeping tablets uk are a big business, with one in three UK adults now taking them. But they can be problematic meds with a high risk of dependency, addiction and side effects. Often, sleeping pills won’t address the root cause of insomnia, and can become less effective over time. This is why we recommend cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as the best option for long-term improvements in your sleeping patterns.

Most doctors will only prescribe sleeping pills if other forms of treatment or support have failed. They are also a short-term treatment, as prolonged use can lead to addiction and withdrawal. The main prescription-only sleeping tablets are benzodiazepines and Z drugs. They can be very addictive and are associated with a number of adverse side effects, including drowsiness and a hangover.

Comparing Popular Sleeping Tablets in the UK: Finding the Right Fit for Your Sleep

A few well-known brands offer herbal alternatives to benzodiazepines and Z drugs, such as Kalms Night or Nytol Herbal. Most of these herbal sleep aids are antihistamines, and are not as powerful as benzodiazepines or Z drugs. However, antihistamines can cause drowsiness and may leave you feeling slightly hungover in the morning.

In the US, supplements containing melatonin, a hormone that occurs naturally in your body to regulate sleep patterns, do a roaring trade. But in the UK, it’s only available on prescription. This herbal formula from UK company Nutrienne gets as close as possible to a melatonin equivalent, with a plant-based melatonin extract from Montmorency cherry. The mix also includes other nutritional sleep ingredients such as 5-HTP, griffonia seed and magnesium. It’s also packed with 15 families of fermented live cultures to help rebalance your gut microbes and improve digestive health long-term.

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