Septic Service

Septic grease trap cleaning– Residential, Commercial & Industrial Septic Tank Cleaning & Pumping – Sewer & Drainfield Repairs – Commercial Waste Removal – Restaurant Grease Traps Cleaned & Maintained – Septic System Installations

If you have a septic system, it’s important to keep up with regular maintenance. Keeping up with routine septic services can prevent a septic system failure and help you save money in the long run.

The septic system works by separating the solid and liquid components of household waste. Wastewater flows from the home through pipes to the septic tank, where it collects and settles solid waste on the bottom and fats and grease drift to the top. The wastewater then discharges to the drainfield, where it is absorbed into the ground and soil.

Environmental Responsibility: How Proper Septic Care Protects Our Waterways

A septic system installation starts with a site evaluation. Licensed site evaluators check out the property and perform measurements, tests and other inspections. They’ll submit their results to a licensed engineer who will design the septic system for the site. The engineer will then order the necessary materials and the septic company will install the system on the property. The septic system will require a permit and a series of inspections before it’s allowed to use.

Septic systems are regulated by local health departments and state environmental agencies to ensure they operate properly and don’t impact water quality. Your local health department may have specific septic tank placement requirements and setback distances from your home’s foundation. You should also follow recommendations for proper operation and maintenance. Some tips include not flushing cat litter, coffee grounds, cigarette butts, diapers (even the “flushable” type), paper towels, dental floss, oil, paints, thinners or pesticides.

Busy Bee Septic and Excavating LLC
114 Houston St, Maybrook, NY 12543, United States

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