How to Detect VPN

How to detect VPN connection allows you to communicate securely with servers on the Internet, making it more difficult for hackers or others to intercept your personal information. However, a VPN connection sends and receives data through the same IP address, so any website or app that tracks user network activity (like ecommerce sites that track browsing behavior to raise prices on certain items) will be able to identify that you are using a VPN service.

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ISPs can use a variety of methods to detect VPN, including traffic patterns, monitoring encrypted connections on non-standard ports, and deep packet inspection. If a business that has customers that log in to their accounts from home, work, or public wi-fi sees large amounts of data transmitted to and from the same IP address day in and out, it is probably a VPN connection.

Other ways to detect VPN include time zone mismatch detection and geoIP tracking. Time zone mismatch detection looks at the reported time zone of the browser to compare it with the geographic region that is being accessed. If the user changes time zones from New York to Tokyo in a short amount of time, this is an indication that a VPN or proxy is being used.

GeoIP tracking is a method that uses web browser APIs to determine the current time zone of the device, and then compares it with a database of IP addresses grouped by geographic regions. This is a good method for detecting VPNs that are being used to share copyrighted media, but does not catch all instances of VPN usage.

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